Taking Orders

• The waiter takes the order on the table
• Sabit makinadan ya da el terminalinden masa no ve kişi sayısı girerek hesabı açarSubmits the table number and customer count and opens the check using a fixed machine or hand terminal.
• Enters the orders.
• The machine knows which printer should print the order due to pre-set settings.
• You can also use one printer alone with assigning different titles.
• When the customer wants to order extras, the same procedure follows.


Asking for Check

• When the customer requests the check you can simply press the button and view the information related to the order.
• There are cash, credit card options available.
• İf the business works with a cashier system, the waiter goes to the cashier after accepting payment.
• Cashier calls the order from the system and closes it properly.
• Some businesses prefer to use one machine and one cashier alone, if that's the case the waiter brings the order to the cashier for them to open and/or close it.

Report and End of The Day Progresses

After working as decribed above all day long, all remaining open checks get closed at the end of the day and the desired reports are taken; after these the working day will switch to the next day. The working day remains the same until you submit the end of the day.

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